A wonderful thing happened to me last night regarding numbers. A few backers pledge and Yippee my funding jumped up to 68% Funded!!!
First of all, I subtracted my goal from the money that came in and the remaining balance that I needed in order to be funded in my campaign is $1,960. I have only...
(Check out my Kickstarter Campaign Project called The Alphabet Comes Marching In)
... 3 DAYS left and I only need $1,960.00 to be funded for this campaign.
I see this as a sign because the numbers in this order are 1960, which by the way is my birth year!
Cool right?
A sign...
...so because of this wonderful sign, I decided to make a fun BOOK GIVEAWAY.
Here is how to get in on the Book Giveaway;
1.) Click on the link above.
2.)Due to the numbers that were presented to me 1960,
CLICK ON BACK THIS PROJECT and pledge $1.00, $9.00, $6.00 but don't pledge $0.00 because then, I won't get funded.
**In this campaign every dollar counts and goes toward printing costs to get this wonderful Children’s story published. This is an ALL or nothing Fund campaign, meaning your money that you pledge/donate will not be used unless I meet my funding goal of $5,255.00. So as you can see every dollar BIG or small will help reach my goal to print these books!
This is how YOU become a Kickstarter BACKER for my campaign and get in on the BOOK GIVEAWAY!
3. After selecting the first pledge and entering your pledge amount GO TO PAY, you will NOT be charged unless I reach my GOAL.
4.) Once you do this, THEN YOU BECOME a BACKER of my campaign and you are automatically ENTERED into the BOOK GIVEAWAY. (You can also brag to your friends that you helped an author get published!)
5.) The BOOK GIVEAWAY will happen every night at 5:00 PM ET for the remaining of my KICKSTARTER CAMPAIGN! The END DATE is NOVEMBER 1st, at NOON ET.
Thanks so much for being part of my self-publishing dream and journey to get this book printed and published!